2014 Reagan Louie:非虚构摄影 | 北京

2014 Reagan Louie:非虚构摄影 | 北京







讲师:Reagan Louie




Title: Creative Non-Fiction Photography

Time: Nov. 8-9,15-16

Location: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

Instructor: Reagan Louie

Fee: 2000RMB








讲师:Reagan Louie




Title: Creative Non-Fiction Photography

Time: Nov. 8-9,15-16

Location: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

Instructor: Reagan Louie

Fee: 2000RMB


我们作为摄影师不仅仅是报道者,也是评论者。我们诠释看见之物。这次工作坊强调摄影作为创意性非虚构,以及摄影师作为图像的主观作者。我们会探讨传统和当代摄影师,同时讨论摄影的真实性和演绎。我们会讨论下列摄影师的相关作品:Eugene Smith, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank, Diane Arbus, Jeff Wall, Paul Graham, Phillip Lorca-diCorcia, Cindy Sherman.



Reagan Louie, 现任旧金山艺术学院摄影系主任。他不仅是优秀的艺术教育者,也是有着卓越才华的艺术家。他的摄影作品被广泛展出并收藏,其中包括纽约现代博物馆(MoMa),大都会博物馆,洛杉矶美术馆等。他同时也获得了许多殊荣,获得了古根海姆奖,国家艺术奖(NEA)和富布赖特基金等。

Workshop Intro:

Photographers are not merely reporters. We are also commentators. We interpret what we see. This workshop focuses on the photograph as a work of creative nonfiction, and on the photographer as the subjective author of an image. We will examine the work of historical and contemporary photographers to open a discussion on varying narrative approaches, and on the concepts of photographic truth and interpretation. We will look at work by such photographers as; Eugene Smith, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank, Diane Arbus, Jeff Wall, Paul Graham, Phillip Lorca-diCorcia, Cindy Sherman.

Throughout the course students will develop self-generated projects that will be critiqued in class. The emphasis will be on the subjectivity and social relevance of the work produced. Critiques will rigorously address concept, approach, editing, and strategies of presentation. Students will also develop technical skills through fundamental exercises in camera systems.

Artist Intro:

The San Francisco Art Institute has named Reagan Louie the Chairman of the photography department. Louie’s role as an art educator is complimented by a distinguished career as an artist. His photographs have been exhibited and collected widely in numerous public institutions including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, MOMA New York, and the LA County Museum of Art, etc. He is the recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Fulbright Fellowship.